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Kenney is letting his opinions about PM cloud his judgment

Shame on Premier Jason Kenney for his revisionist, Trumpian history.

Shame on Premier Jason Kenney for his revisionist, Trumpian history.

His public criticism of Dr. Theresa Tam shows that he is incapable of leading this province. His hatred of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is clouding his judgment. Tam, like all public health officials, follows the science. Kenney’s desire to politicize this pandemic is shameful.

What does it accomplish to solve this situation we find ourselves in? Name calling and hatred do nothing other than to reflect the true personality of the speaker.

Kenney’s desire to score political points is humiliating for all Albertans. Alberta can do much better with leadership than what we have today.

Barry Johns, Sylvan Lake

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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