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Lady Justice: This, That & the Other

The weather is picking up, as seems to be the activity level of Albertans and the number of events to attend. The past week or so has seen a potpourri of activity. First, a sigh of relief that a new event centre can be built on the Red Deer Resort and Casino site.

The weather is picking up, as seems to be the activity level of Albertans and the number of events to attend. The past week or so has seen a potpourri of activity. First, a sigh of relief that a new event centre can be built on the Red Deer Resort and Casino site.

You may recall that the Municipal Planning Commission said “no”, but the Red Deer Subdivision and Development Appeal Board reversed that and said “yes” this week. As a long-ago chair of Tourism Red Deer (I would attend meetings with my oldest, now adult, daughter in tow as an infant); an employee in the hospitality industry for over a decade (law school is not cheap); and, a current board member of the Red Deer & District Chamber of Commerce, I am relieved.

I am convinced Red Deer Resort and Casino and its development will help us skyrocket to the next level of success as a destination location for conventions and visitors. Combine that with our other assets (natural and people-made - yes, I said “people”), our hospitality and our location, location, location, we should be the leading hospitality hub, a needed move in the diversification of our local central Alberta economy.

This year celebrates 100 years of Rotary in Red Deer (and 30 years with women being admitted to Rotary). The first Rotary International female president occurred this past year, and, “of course” she is Canadian. In celebration, Canadian icon and former CBC Host Rex Murphy (a Newfoundlander) graced the Westerner Park halls with his stories told to a crowd of about 500. Most memorable were his recollections of thousands of Newfoundlanders in a collapsed cod industry being welcomed to Alberta with open arms. It reminded me of Alberta welcoming my mother and her five children from Quebec after language laws were passed that would limit the ability of her not fully bilingual children to achieve their potential (she was bilingual but picked up her roots and started over for us). Land of opportunity, where Canadians and immigrants from all over come, then and now. What a storyteller Rex is, and a passionate Canadian. I prefer this “Rex” to the one coronated overseas this month.

Next was a stop in my role as a “Grizzly” for Higher Landing’s Grizzly Den (thinks Dragons’ Den) in Calgary. This career transformation company has programming which culminates in those Albertans wanting or needing to diversify their skills pitching their new career plans to the Grizzlies to become Grizzly certified if they pass. Personal stories of perseverance and resilience abound, always inspiring, as so many need to diversify themselves as we diversify the economy. In the Den, I felt more like Paula Abdul then Kevin O’Leary, as I found everyone inspiring and deserving of certification. Maybe I am just too happy about some sunny weather, finally.

Lastly, in my potpourri week, I finally attended my first TED Talk (TEDxCalgary) in person at the Ampersand in Calgary. What a venue and event. The premises is fronted by a big “&” – the name signalling that the building has everything - & a driving range, & food trucks, & event space, & so on. Speakers spoke for up to 18 minutes on their “ideas worth spreading” with the topic of “Yes, and…” Inspiring. TED Talk of my own on my bucket list, what ideas do you have worth spreading?

Donna Purcell, K.C., (aka Lady Justice) is a Central Alberta lawyer and Chief Innovation Officer with Donna Purcell QC Law. If you have legal questions, contact