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Letter: Read up on San Remo Resolution

Lara Al-hmidat organized a demonstration in support of Palestine on May 21 as seen in the Advocate article Dozens gather in Red Deer to show support for Palestine .

Lara Al-hmidat organized a demonstration in support of Palestine on May 21 as seen in the Advocate article Dozens gather in Red Deer to show support for Palestine.

Al-hmidat said “it’s not religious, it’s not war, it’s not both sides. We’re talking about an occupation – an illegal occupation. It’s a cause of basic human rights.” “As long as Israel’s crimes go on, we’re going to continue protesting.”

How can you steal something that belongs to you? Need to do your homework before organizing a demonstration.

The San Remo Resolution carried the cloud of international law with profound implications. The administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and positions of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions.

Article 4 states close settlement by Jews on the land including state land and waste land not required for public purpose.

Article 6 commands British government to encourage “settlement” on the land of Palestine from the Mediterranean to the Jordan, including West Bank (Judea/Samaria).

The legal document clearly says “Jews have the right to settlement, and that the world has the obligation to help them to settle.” If the region of Palestine was given to the Jews, then how can they occupy someone else’s land?

The land “Palestine” covers territory that the Jews have called Holy Land well before the name Palestine was ever used by Greeks/Romans.

Palestine defines a geographical area, not a culture of people.

There are no national and political rights granted to the local Arabs or the Arabs of Palestine. All national rights were granted to the Jewish people exclusively.

The San Remo Resolution marks the time in international law, with the weight of more than 50 nations, that the Jewish people gained a right to reconstitute “their homeland” in Palestine, including Gaza, and the West Bank.

Hank Meyer, Red Deer

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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