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Letter: Supporting Kenney for Keystone

Premier Jason Kenney is understandably upset with the not-so-obvious news that President Elect Joe Biden is cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline project.

Premier Jason Kenney is understandably upset with the not-so-obvious news that President Elect Joe Biden is cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline project.

Given the level of interference from Ottawa and the United States in the past, and the very public knowledge that Biden is a full blown Agenda 21/2030 disciple there should be no surprise. The UN, WEF and other globalist organizations do not want a world dependant upon oil-renewable energy is the future they say.

Biden and the Democrats do not care if Alberta, or any other jurisdiction lose billions of dollars.

We know, as Albertans, that we cannot count on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to fight for us against Biden.

That leaves Kenney and Saskatchewan to fight the battle of their lives, with our support. If our provinces lose another pipeline then our economy will be in for another major blow.

We have one choice.

Support Kenney in his fight for your pay cheque, your neighbourhood, and your family.

You may disagree with his stance on many things, but when it all comes down to the finish line, we need to arrive at the same time in victory.

Tim Lasiuta, Red Deer

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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