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Letter: Term limit on politicians

I recently got some emails from the Conservative party office of Earl Dreeshen, MP for Red Deer-Mountainview. The last one was an invitation to join the Conservative Party and of course along with it came the request for a contribution. There must be an election coming. I’m sorry but I have to decline. I’m throwing my support behind an Independence candidate. Yes I want to separate.

I recently got some emails from the Conservative party office of Earl Dreeshen, MP for Red Deer-Mountainview. The last one was an invitation to join the Conservative Party and of course along with it came the request for a contribution. There must be an election coming. I’m sorry but I have to decline. I’m throwing my support behind an Independence candidate. Yes I want to separate.

It’s my opinion, and probably not just mine alone, that Earl Dreeshen should retire. It’s nothing personal against him, but he’s been feeding at the taxpayer trough for over 12 years and like most politicians, after each election, he becomes virtually invisible.

You’d think with all the unity unrest in Alberta, given that Justin Trudeau and the Liberals are making it their goal to kill our economy, he’d be more vocal in Ottawa on our behalf. But I guess towing party lines and not rocking the boat is more politically expedient. So I think it’s time to get some new young blood in there.

Regardless of that the real reason I’m writing this letter is that I would like to see term limits on all federal MPs, all provincial MLAs, all premiers, and the prime minister. There should be a two term limit on all politicians. It would stop them from building their political empires at the expense of the taxpayers. Politics should not be a lifetime career with a life long pension.

I guess it’s safe to say I have a very dim view of politicians in general.

Dale Stuart, Red Deer

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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