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Liberal victory means return of questionable policies

As a Canadian, I am disappointed in the federal election.

As a Canadian, I am disappointed in the federal election.

Not that the Liberal party won, but rather, that the voices of hardworking Canadians lost.

We do not want the carbon tax. Taxing emissions does not make me, a marginally poverty-level worker reduce my fuel consumption. All it does is cost me more.

In fact, my city receives no benefit from the tax.

I do not agree with, nor have I ever agreed with, the legalization of marijuana.

It causes problems and creates voters who are addicted, who vote for those who will guarantee their addiction.

I do not agree with my government funding countries for reproductive choices, i.e., international abortions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars per year. Abortion is murder, not family planning.

I do not agree with money for media outlets that agree with Liberal policies and attack anyone who disagrees. That is reverse lobbying.

I am ashamed of my prime minister, who watches international coverage of the murder of Christians and does not stand up for what is right.

I am ashamed of my prime minister, who funnels support to foreign countries for questionable causes, who cannot answer a question straight and who does not stand with integrity when corporate fraud and influence peddling has been proved.

Tim Lasiuta, Red Deer