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Media would have us believe Trump does nothing right

You know, U.S. President Donald Trump may be a lot of things, and again, he may not.

You know, U.S. President Donald Trump may be a lot of things, and again, he may not.

Also, he may be wrong on a lot of issues, although right on some.

However, the one he really nailed right was about the fake news, and I, for one, have had about all I can take of it, especially CNN, from whence our Canadian news stations garner all their American news, as if it is the gospel.

They grab an issue and flog it to death one side or another, depending what their own agenda happens to be.

My most recent aggravation from the TV news media is how they seem to have become an authority on whether to wear a mask or not with respect to COVID-19.

My conclusion is they have no idea and are only trying to be an authority on something they are not.

First, it’s don’t use. Then, it’s use if you’re sick. Then, it’s we should all use it, but don’t touch your face once it’s on. (Therefore, there will be no nose scratching.)

Then, paper is best. And the next day, it’s cloth.

I’m waiting for them to tell us to put two paper bags over our head and run like hell.

Perhaps use the ostrich mask that only covers the eyes, but what you can’t see won’t hurt you.

No, I think their conclusion may be that we should all wear a mask at all times, because Trump doesn’t wear one.

I think CNN has made it abundantly clear that whatever Trump does must be wrong.

Jim Wallace, Red Deer