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Pearman: The feeder birds of Christmas

Lookout for these types of birds around Christmas in Central Alberta

As we head into the holiday season, bird watchers will be marking their calendars with an additional yuletide activity – the Christmas Bird Count (CBC). Interestingly, the CBC—now the longest-running and most important bird census in the world—didn’t start out as a wildlife-friendly activity. Prior to the turn of the 20th century, hunters engaged in a holiday tradition known as the Christmas "Side Hunt." They would choose sides and go afield with their guns, killing everything in sight. The group that slaughtered the most (all animals were fair game) was declared the winner.
In 1900, ornithologist and Audubon Society officer, Frank M. Chapman, proposed an alternative to this barbaric holiday tradition—a "Christmas Bird Census" that would count, not kill, birds. The inaugural count, held on Christmas Day, had 27 participants recording 90 species across North America. Today, tens of thousands of volunteers around the globe take part in this annual event.
The Red Deer area count will be held this year on Sunday, December 22, 2024. Participants can either go out and actively search for birds (on foot or by car) or watch their feeders. If you would like to join in, please contact the Central Alberta Count Compiler, Shelley-anne Goulet at 403-392-1894. Additional count information as well as printable forms can be found on the RDRN website ( You can count for as long as you would like, and don’t forget that Christmas Bird Counts are a great way to get children involved in nature!
Of the 50+- bird species that can be typically encountered on a Central Alberta Christmas Bird Count, the following are some of the most common “Feeder Birds of Christmas.”
Black-capped Chickadees - these little year-round residents are the most common, recognizable and beloved of all backyard birds.
House Finches – these songsters are recent arrivals in Alberta but are now abundant throughout the province and will come year-round to bird feeding stations.
Woodpeckers - There are four species of woodpeckers that typically visit winter bird feeding stations in the province: Downy Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker and Pileated Woodpecker.
Redpolls – it has been determined that Common/Hoary Redpolls are the toughest birds on the planet, better able than any other species to withstand extremely cold temperatures. Redpolls nest in the Arctic tundra, then migrate down to “balmy” Alberta and beyond for the winter.
Nuthatches – both Red-breasted Nuthatches and White-breasted Nuthatches are common year-round residents that are regular feeder patrons.

Myrna Pearman is the Resident Naturalist at Chin Ridge Seeds. She is a retired biologist, nature writer, photographer and author of several books. Her books are available at She can be reached at