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Stop dividing our community

I notice that some people are judgmental as to what should happen to the people who choose to not get the injection referred to as the COVID vaccine.

I notice that some people are judgmental as to what should happen to the people who choose to not get the injection referred to as the COVID vaccine.

The people writing these letters to the editor are very quick to state that all of these unvaccinated people should not get any medical care. They don’t take the time to think there may be valid reasons that many of these people cannot take any vaccine into their body.

Well considering the statement that the unvaccinated should not get any medical care when they need it, then the following situations should not get medical care either:

1. Anyone who is obese or carrying excess weight as these individuals should know that they could have a heart attack, or get cancer, or have a stroke, or develop diabetes, etc. Why should the rest of society have to pay for their medical costs?

2. Anyone who smokes cigarettes, pipe, or cigars, or marijuana as many of these people gets lung cancer. Why should the rest of society have to pay for their medical costs?

3. Anyone who drinks alcohol more than one drink a day as they may develop liver issues. Why should the rest of society have to pay for their medical costs?

4. Anyone who has a motor vehicle collision if they are exceeding the speed limit. Why should the rest of society have to pay for their medical costs?

The readers may have other points that could be added but I think we would all agree this opinion to penalize one segment of society but not applying it to many others is not the way Canadian society has operated for many years and it would be a sad day for the future of Canada if we decided to change it now.

People of Red Deer let’s think before we decide to pass judgment on others. Let’s do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

Stan Selinger, Red Deer