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Voter despairs at the sad state of Canadian politics

I had a most interesting discussion with the United Conservative Party candidate.

I had a most interesting discussion with the United Conservative Party candidate.

They are campaigning with the same old song and dance that the PCs used time and time again: freeze the budget for three years and balance the budget in the fourth year.

How many times have we heard that line before? In the fourth year, they will tell us they can’t quite balance the budget, but, if you vote for us in the next election, we promise to get the books in order.

Same song, different band leader.

This election, I am going to flip a coin: heads, United Conservative; tails, Communists; stands on edge, Liberal.

It is little wonder that the economy is going further underground every year. In the U.S., Donald Trump was elected president because people were tired of being misled by previous administrations.

Here in Canada, we vote for the most believable deceiver.

What a sad state of affairs.

Lloyd Wongstedt, Red Deer

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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