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Working to make life better and more affordable

Earl Dreeshen

Earl Dreeshen


Party of Canada

This is my home, and I am proud to be an Albertan.

I have been honoured to use all of my experiences gathered through teaching, farming, coaching, mentoring and as a local health board chair, to work and serve on your behalf for the past 11 years as your member of Parliament.

As a farmer, it was so gratifying to contribute to the Marketing Freedom Act after years of advocating on behalf of western farmers to end the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly.

I co-chaired the recent Alberta Conservative Caucus Rural Crime Task Force that met with thousands of Albertans over the past couple of years.

I served as the vice-chair for industry, science and technology, where I spearheaded a study on rural and remote broadband.

I also served as a member of the international trade committee, studying both NAFTA and South Asian markets, primarily dealing with agriculture products.

This led to my final role in this last Parliament, as deputy shadow minister for agriculture and agri-food.

Beside the trade responsibilities, I was honoured to initiate an important study on mental health issues for farmers, ranchers and producers.

With these various roles as your member of Parliament, I have had the opportunity to see how Canada has been viewed on the world stage. The difference between Conservative leadership and Liberal leadership – between statesmanship and showmanship.

This prime minister’s disregard for ethics, the rule of law, and for keeping his word is now being ridiculed around the globe. Canadians deserve better.

And that is what Conservatives, with our leader Andrew Scheer, will provide as we work to make your lives better and more affordable.

When your tax dollars are being frivolously wasted at a time where half of Canadian families are living from paycheque-to-paycheque, you need a government committed to you.

We will cancel the crippling carbon tax. We will make maternity benefits tax free and introduce children’s fitness and arts tax credits, with enhanced benefits for disabled children.

We will introduce a two-year green homes tax credit to help homeowners make the best decisions on conservation practices suited to their circumstances.

We believe money left in your pockets, for you to spend in your community as you see fit, is the best economic stimulus there is.

And we will do this while balancing the budget, looking after the environment, maintaining a strong health and social safety net, ensuring responsible resource development, and once again bringing respect back to Canada on the international stage.

Our country has never been this polarized. We must do away with the politics of division that has been the hallmark of this Liberal prime minister.

Whether it is politicizing kids’ summer job opportunities, overzealous political correctness, or showboating on the world’s stage, Justin Trudeau is bent on dividing and labelling Canadians at every opportunity. He has pitted region against region, province against province, and Canadians against each other.

This is the exact opposite of what brought communities together when my ancestors and your ancestors came to this province. We need to bring back hope and unity and sense of community. I know our Conservative team will do just that.

I am focused on making Justin Trudeau a one-term prime minister. If not, our oil and gas sector will continue to struggle, our agriculture will continue to be targeted, and Alberta’s place as a province of opportunity will continue to be threatened.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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