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Yellow vest protesters have important message to share

Re: “Groups concerned about protesters’ messages,” Jan. 31.

Re: “Groups concerned about protesters’ messages,” Jan. 31.

I would like to point out that I have been downtown and witnessed the yellow vest protesters and have found them to be peaceful people.

They have definite concerns about our oil and gas industry and about the illegal immigration that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is imposing upon us. We all want to see properly vetted immigration.

I, as well as many people in Red Deer, are not very happy with Frank Bauer, who is executive director of the Central Alberta Refugee Effort.

He makes statements such as, “If I was a small woman wearing a hijab passing the protesters, I would be scared.”

He is using a religious symbol as a weapon against the yellow vest movement.

And he goes on to accuse the yellow vesters of “aggressive” and intimidating tones at some of the demonstrations, which leaves some citizens afraid.

Bauer is using scare tactics to try and silence these concerned citizens about the real threatening issues of the shutdown in our oil and gas industry and illegal immigration, which is a hardship on our country and an already-depressed economy because of the oil and gas shutdown, which Trudeau has caused and is contributing to.

Bauer is not helping our situation and is causing dissent.

Carmen Wallace, Red Deer