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I wish the newspaper industry was healthier

One of the side effects of the current economic woes has been the hastening of the death knells of many major American newspapers.
TV host’s apology no good

TV host’s apology no good

Fox news broadcaster Greg Gutfeld says the time is ripe for the U.S. to invade Canada.
Cat owners should be required to licence their pets

Cat owners should be required to licence their pets

The City of Red Deer has a double standard when it comes to dogs and cats.Dogs must be licensed. Cats do not require licences.
Pregnancy, smoking a bad mix

Pregnancy, smoking a bad mix

A new program to encourage local young mothers-to-be to quit smoking is a good first step — but much more needs to be done.

A tragic injustice

World Water Day has come and gone with a number of media reports about how important this “blue gold” resource is to all of us. Without water we all will die.

Lack of ethics to blame for economy’s collapse

In the wake of all the economic devastation wrought by a combination of record high energy prices and massive over-leveraging in the commercial banking industry, we’ve been treated to a surplus of talking heads all too willing to blame it all on the excesses of capitalism.
Bentley Generals inspire

Bentley Generals inspire

To the Bentley Generals, for continued excellence despite long odds.
It’s time to revamp system

It’s time to revamp system

One of the chief complaints people have against the Canadian court system is that it takes such a long time coming to a verdict.

NDP leader’s star turns to dust

Over the past six years, Jack Layton’s star has risen in tandem with that of Stephen Harper. Now, they may be on parallel downward courses.
CBC deserves our support

CBC deserves our support

Since taking office in 2006, and being re-elected in 2008, Canada’s federal Conservatives have done a reasonably good job of restoring public confidence in government.