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A solution for Gaza

Re: Gaza dispute will linger, Red Deer Advocate, Aug. 1There is, sadly, a lack of condemnation from most of our elected politicians regarding the slaughter of over 2,000 people in Gaza, including 400 children and 50 Israeli soldiers.

Re: Gaza dispute will linger, Red Deer Advocate, Aug. 1

There is, sadly, a lack of condemnation from most of our elected politicians regarding the slaughter of over 2,000 people in Gaza, including 400 children and 50 Israeli soldiers.

Gwynne Dyer explains that the reasons for the present invasion by Israel are more complex than just the firing of rockets by Hamas, which should be totally condemned because it kills innocent Israeli citizens.

The firing of rockets out of frustration is counterproductive for the population of Gaza because it alienates the Israeli people and gives the rulers of Israel an excuse to launch cruel and collective punishment.

The government of Israel, caught up in the world financial crisis, has been busily dishing out austerity measures and Israeli workers, who make up the bulk of the population, have met these measures with huge opposition.

The Netanyahu government is attempting to divert attention from the immense economic and social conditions that are building up in Israel, toward conflict with the Palestinians.

The people of Israel are not, however, homogeneous in their support for punitive action against the Palestinians. This is demonstrated by the growing support in recent polls for two political parties that are on the left, the Labour Party and the Meretz Party.

The polls also indicate that a majority in Israel is in favour of dismantling the settlements and bringing an end to the occupation of Palestinian land.

It is plain for all to see that the continuation of the present right-wing Israeli regime will result in an ever-expanding occupation that will not cease.

Without profound change the plight of the Palestinians can only get worse.

The Arab Spring revolutions in North Africa resulted in much dissatisfaction among the Palestinian population toward the Hamas and Fatah leaderships.

This is because there is no sign that the living nightmare will ever end.

Peace and stability can only be achieved on the basis of unity of the oppressed on both sides. The overwhelming majority in Palestine are the poor and impoverished. They should seek an alliance with the workers of Israel in order to fight for democratic rights and decent living conditions.

The only way forward is a federation of an independent, democratic, socialist Israel and an independent, democratic, socialist, Palestine.

Keith Norman Wyatt
