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Along the Yellow Fish Road

Megan Burnett, 9, left, and Sami Dancey, 10, paint a yellow fish using a stencil near a storm water drain in Sunnybrook Tuesday. They and other G.W. Smith Elementary School Environment Club members painted many of the symbols while others left information for residents about the Yellow Fish Road program.

Megan Burnett, 9, left, and Sami Dancey, 10, paint a yellow fish using a stencil near a storm water drain in Sunnybrook Tuesday. They and other G.W. Smith Elementary School Environment Club members painted many of the symbols while others left information for residents about the Yellow Fish Road program. It encourages homeowners to ensure that only water goes down storm water drains because it is not treated before reaching the Red Deer River and anything else drained will end up as pollution, including gravel, dust and sand, which can hurt the chances of fish feeding and breeding.