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Be responsible with alcohol and driving

A Regina police officer pleaded guilty to exceeding a blood alcohol limit of .08 – Not charged, fined $1,000 and is still working.

A Regina police officer pleaded guilty to exceeding a blood alcohol limit of .08 – Not charged, fined $1,000 and is still working.

NDP leader Trent Wotherspoon says we have a code of conduct to uphold so Don McMorris should resign. Guess that same code of conduct doesn’t apply equally across the workforce into Regina.

Premier Wall is quoted as saying they need “suggestions for ways to tackle the province’s high drinking and driving rates.”

Well guess what? It’s really pretty easy.

If you drink and drive, and get caught over the established legal limit, then bang, just like that, you’re walking. No 1st, 2nd, strikes, no community service to make up for it, or other excuses. Hire a driver (at your own expense – not governments) to haul you around.

Every day, as I drive around town, I see people using their cell phone, while driving, while stopped in traffic, missing lights because they are not paying attention.

Why? Probably because it’s not worth the time to haul them down to court. They’ll spend more money on a lawyer instead of a fine. Then they will leave while phoning or texting about how they just beat the system.

If you want to talk about rights, let’s talk about this one. You have rights, you have the right to choose but make the wrong choice and you then pay the consequence.

The problem is there are no consequences. Not really. A small fine and you’re on your way again. If the regulatory people won’t get serious, why do we think the people will?

So how about this, just to be different, just try being responsible instead?

Is that drink, that call, that text, worth yours, or someone else’s life?

Keith Westfall, Red Deer