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Carbon tax game changer

Fellow Albertans very hard times are about to fall upon us all. No one will be exempt despite what the Rachel Notley NDP tries to have you believe.

Fellow Albertans very hard times are about to fall upon us all. No one will be exempt despite what the Rachel Notley NDP tries to have you believe. The introduction of carbon tax is about to change your financial outlook and how you write your family budget forever. In January 2017, all users of energy will have carbon taxes levied on that energy use. This tax is poised to affect every aspect of your life in ways they haven’t told you. Every town and city in the province will pay more to operate city vehicles, city buses and electricity to power city building’s and street lights. Bus fares, property taxes and utilities are going to increase to cover the extra operating cost. Every single store that you use: gas, groceries, clothing, furniture, electronics, gifts, and restaurants will all in turn face increased operating costs. They (will) have only one choice to recover these costs and that is to pass them onto the consumer. Lower income families will receive rebates to assist them but these rebates will not be near enough for families who won’t get a rebate. Carbon tax is going to take a big bite out of your wallet. The hope is to present a cleaner energy Industry in Alberta to gain approval for pipelines. But there won’t be any pipelines. Federal Government has taken steps to ensure the approval process has been extended to last several years before any decision is made. A purposeful move to delay the process until there is no marketable need for a pipeline and the opportunity is lost. At a time when so many are without jobs to start with the NDP is about to make already tough times even harder.

Duke Hanson, Red Deer