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Care for the weakest, most vulnerable

Two statements made by Shirley Challoner require a response:

Two statements made by Shirley Challoner require a response:

l “The cuts are also inconsistent with Canadian values. Do we want a society that will not care for the most vulnerable among us?”

We already have a society like that. The most vulnerable among us would be the unborn babies who are given no chance for life or any other humane or ethical choice, as we in Canada kill almost 100,000 babies every year through abortion. We call it pro-choice, but there is no choice for these precious lives.

2l As Gandhi once said, “A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.”

My Canada would treat its weakest members with care! The truth is that those precious unborn babies (not simply fetuses) may be killed at any stage of development from conception to birth and, unfortunately, this is legal in Canada.

Remember, not all laws are moral — it was also legal to kill Jews in Germany in the 1940s.

Mother Teresa once stated that until we value the most vulnerable of all, the unborn, our value of all life will continue to decrease. She seems to have been prophetic.

If we truly care for the weakest members, or the most vulnerable in our society, let’s begin by giving these unborn babies a chance for life.

Donald Ottosen

Red Deer