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Freeman’s book reviews offer humour and insight

The start of a good day is having a coffee and reading the Advocate.

The start of a good day is having a coffee and reading the Advocate.

The next best thing is finding the book report written by Peggy Freeman.

She reviews a wide variety of books with humour and insight.

It makes you want to read the book to find out the rest of the story.

Her advice to read A Nation Worth Ranting About by Rick Mercer “in small increments, perhaps one rant a day” was very entertaining.

Peggy’s review of Into the Abyss by Carol Shaben found me heading to Chapters to buy the book.

This true story of a plane crash in Northern Alberta is down to earth (no pun intended) and another piece of fascinating Alberta history.

The book is now being read by my brother, a retired bush pilot who flew in Northern Canada.

Thanks Peggy.

Barbara Primas

Red Deer County