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G-8 spending wrong

It seems that in Conservative country it’s not right to criticize a Conservative. Well I am and I will.

It seems that in Conservative country it’s not right to criticize a Conservative. Well I am and I will.

I am totally disgusted and disillusioned with John Baird, Tony Clement and Prime Minister Harper for wasting $50 million of hard-earned Canadian tax dollars in the manner that they have, and for squandering a lot of our hard-earned tax money, and thinking it’s OK to do that. As far as I’m concerned, these two should be fired and the prime minister harshly sanctioned for this waste of our money.

When campaigning, politicians tell us how moral, honest and full of integrity and accountability they are and are going to be, but as soon as they get a seat in Parliament it seems like there is a total about face.

I feel that what politicians don’t seem to have, or seem to lose, is common sense. How can these politicians live with themselves. Are they that callous?

If our politicians’ get a severe cold they should try taking some Buckley’s cough medication. It tastes bad but after a few days you start feeling better, because it works. So possibly, politicians should try a good dose of honesty, integrity, ethics, accountability and common sense. They may not like it in the beginning but they should soon realize that it works and you feel better.

I feel that there may be enough tax dollars collected, although maybe not in the right places, to handle all this country’s needs. But if we are going to misspend it by the frivolous millions, there will never be enough money.

My hope now is that the people involved in looking into this particular matter have the intestinal fortitude to be honest with themselves, the facts and with their reports. Now the situation is under investigation and can’t be talked about publicly. I feel that criminal charges should be laid.

My God, if the politicians can pull this scam off with a minority government, what can they do to us with a majority government? This is scary.

Sometime there doesn’t seem to be much difference between a dictatorship and a democratic dictatorship. A disgruntled Conservative.

Tom Skoreyko

Red Deer