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God is omnipresent and available to everyone

In Saturday’s Advocate, there is often an article by columnist David Yount on religion.I found the one in the Saturday, Sept. 5, paper very interesting. The question was posed: “How do you know that God exists?”

In Saturday’s Advocate, there is often an article by columnist David Yount on religion.

I found the one in the Saturday, Sept. 5, paper very interesting. The question was posed: “How do you know that God exists?”

On primetime television in England, leaders of major faiths were asked to respond.

Later, in thinking about this, I asked myself how would I respond to this question?

This is what I came up with.

The Bible tells us God is love and this is what I have always thought Him to be. I think of Him as being omnipresent, ever here, and available for each one of us — with no exceptions.

Then the more I try to live the qualities of love such as joy, kindness, helpfulness, forgiveness, respectfulness and unselfishness, etc., the more I am able to feel God’s presence.

I have always believed in God, but anyone can start believing in Him at any moment.

He has given me all the direction I have needed to live a happy, constructive life.

An added bonus of believing in God as love, is that it becomes easier to love my neighbour.

My daily bread is early morning reading of the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.

Bonnie Jacobs

Red Deer