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Good neighbours a treasure

One week before Thanksgiving weekend our alley was hit by graffiti ‘artists’ displaying colourful fluorescent spray painted hate messages sprawled along garages, fences, garbage bins etc. These items are made up of wood, metal, vinyl, and stucco finishes.

One week before Thanksgiving weekend our alley was hit by graffiti ‘artists’ displaying colourful fluorescent spray painted hate messages sprawled along garages, fences, garbage bins etc. These items are made up of wood, metal, vinyl, and stucco finishes.

A couple on the next street, who share this alley and own a pressure washer, came and tried to remove this unsolicited ‘art’ the entire length of our block.

When grateful recipients tried to do something in return to show our gratitude, these good souls responded “oh no,” there was nothing we could do for them. They simply saw it as a situation they could help rectify and acted on it. Their words were “it was the neighbourly thing to do.”

I just want to share with as many people as I can that there still are many kind and good-hearted people in the world.

My sincere thanks to both of these two for their effort in proving to me that there are still people who care for their neighbours.

Marion Reid

Red Deer