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Late snow keeps plants dormant

An early snow fall in October was the start of winter and late snowfalls are keeping the ground covered and blooming plants dormant.

An early snow fall in October was the start of winter and late snowfalls are keeping the ground covered and blooming plants dormant.

Trees and shrubs are more exposed to the elements than are perennials or bulb allowing them to react to the warmer temperatures and longer days. Look closely at any deciduous plant and see that the buds are swelling in preparation of flowering or leafing out.

Take advantage of trees and shrubs that are waiting to bloom by cutting stems and bringing them into a warmer environment.

Given the correct conditions the buds will break dormancy sending forth flowers and leaves before their counterparts that are still outside.

The trees and shrubs that are easiest to force into bloom are the ones that bloom first in the spring.

Double Flowering Plum, Flowering Almond, Nanking Cherry, May Day along with Apple and Crab Apple Trees are good choices for forcing. Other shrubs such as Forsythia, Azalea and Daphne also force very easily but their flower buds are not reliably hardy in this climate.

Pussy Willow and poplars will also force and add a different dimension to arrangements; catkins and leaves. To start the forcing process, choose branches that have plump buds.

The bigger the bud, the quicker the plant will come into flower.

Keep the plants shape in mind when removing branches. It is better to have fewer forced flowers than a misshapen tree or shrub.

Make all cuts with a sharp tool, cutting back to another branch. Do not leave stubs as they are unsightly and will harm the plant.

Once the branches are cut take them in the house and submerge them in water.

A large tub or bathtub works well. Leave them submerged in the water for up to 24 hours.

The theory is that the stem and buds should absorb all the moisture possible making it more likely they will bloom.

After the branches are removed from the water, re-cut the bottom of the stem and slit the stem upwards twice forming an X or star shape.

The cut should be 1-2 inches (3- 5 cm) in length. Remove all buds that will be below the water line as they will rot.

Adding floral preservative to the water will reduce the risk of a bacterial build up keeping the branches hydrated longer.

Place all branches cut side down in water and move the container to a cooler area.

Changing the water in the container every couple of days will also increase the branches life span.

After 3-5 days in a cooler part of the house the size of the flower buds should have increased. At this time they can be moved into a warmer area.

How long it will take the flowers to bloom is dependent on the variety of branch and how dormant it was when it was cut. It will take plants that bloom later in the season longer to flower than early blooming ones.

Caution should be taken in moving the branches inside directly into the warm home. The shock of a large temperature change can cause the flower buds to open improperly.

Once in bloom continue to change the water every few days to prolong the flower’s life.

In a year where winter seems to want to stay, the sight and smell of spring is welcomed.

Linda Tomlinson is a horticulturalist that lives near Rocky Mountain House. She can be reached at or