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No more abortion on demand

What kind of world will our children and grandchildren face? Radical changes to centuries-old laws have opened the doors to a host of evils in modern society, evils that undercut the moral fibre that holds our society together.

What kind of world will our children and grandchildren face? Radical changes to centuries-old laws have opened the doors to a host of evils in modern society, evils that undercut the moral fibre that holds our society together.

Perhaps the most foolish and abhorrent evil of all has been perpetrated by the highest courts in the land. Liberal judges have removed every bit of protection for unborn children, and the government of the time has allowed these ugly rulings to become law.

Consequently, a few self-serving doctors have established a new industry, abortion-on-demand. These doctors are allowed to invade a woman’s reproductive organs to suck, tear, dismember the innocent, developing human body there, and remove it from its warm and nurturing environment, all legally!

This gross injustice, this insult to decency, this inhuman conduct; how can it be allowed to happen in a civilized country?

For 40 years in North America this war against the unborn has been flourishing [55 million], with barely a whimper of protest. Where is the outpouring of public dismay?

The silence is deafening!

Most caring and loving people in North America disagree with abortion-on-demand, but we are silent. This same silence happened in the 1930s in Germany. There was no public outcry until it was too late.

Why are we so silent? Just a small step will begin to make a huge difference. A donation to Red Deer Pro-life will get me a membership.

Contact information: Phone 403-789-5973


Mailing address; Box 202, Red Deer, Ab. T4N5E8

Jim Swan

Red Deer