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North centre plans moving ahead

The north is heating up as plans for the proposed Northside Regional Community Centre in Red Deer continue to take shape.

The north is heating up as plans for the proposed Northside Regional Community Centre in Red Deer continue to take shape.

The first phase of public consultation on the regional centre wraps up on Tuesday with a community chili dinner and update on the project at Unity Baptist Church.

While the multi-year, multi-phase project is still a few years away from completion, the focus in 2012 has been on gathering input through open houses and focus groups.

About 40 people have participated in the focus groups and another 130 online responses were collected.

Pauline Mousseau, neighbourhoold community development co-ordinator, said the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and conclusive.

“It is resounding that they feel it is time for something like this to exist in the north,” said Mousseau.

“They are really excited about the multi-purpose aspect of it that can accommodate everything from recreation, sport and culture. They really want it to be a gathering space that is very welcoming.”

The proposed site for the Northside Regional Community Centre is in the city-owned park space west of Glendale School.

Mousseau said residents would like it to be a place to relax but also a place to engage. The city will continue to meet with local school boards and other stakeholders to gather feedback.

The information from the community consultations will be put together into a report for city council and the community. The report will be completed in early 2013.

During the dinner, there’s an opportunity for citizens to join two focus groups downstairs at either 5:30 p.m. or 6:45 p.m. There are two dinner seatings –– 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Tickets are $5 for the chili dinner. Vegetarian and meat chili will be served. There’s also a chance to hear the latest feedback on the community centre plans at the Normandeau Park Refresh Harvest Celebration at the Normandeau School park site (49 Noble Street) from 3 to 5 p.m. on Tuesday.

For more information about the focus groups, chili dinner or park celebrations, call Pauline at 403-309-8413 or