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Pat Robertson? Are you kidding?

Re: Joe McLaughlin’s recent letter Marijuana legalization not about left vs. right, March 20.I can’t believe that McLaughlin is actually quoting Pat Robertson as if he is a legitimate person of knowledge. I am sure McLaughlin googled Robertson for his source of information so I am bewildered why he also didn’t notice that he is known for his ‘10 most stupid quotes’ ... plus many more.

Re: Joe McLaughlin’s recent letter Marijuana legalization not about left vs. right, March 20.

I can’t believe that McLaughlin is actually quoting Pat Robertson as if he is a legitimate person of knowledge. I am sure McLaughlin googled Robertson for his source of information so I am bewildered why he also didn’t notice that he is known for his ‘10 most stupid quotes’ ... plus many more.

Why would McLaughlin think this is a guy who is reliable to make any kind of decision such as the legalization of marijuana? One example of his thought process: Robertson blames all the woes that strike Haiti on the fact that “Haiti made a pact with the devil to gain their freedom from the French back in the Napoleon years” and God is now hammering them with earthquakes and hurricanes.

And McLaughlin quotes this guy?

McLaughlin did make one interesting point in his column, even if it was quoted from his knowledgeable scholar: “Prisons are overcrowded with juvenile offenders having to do with drugs.”

If juveniles are that heavy in to drugs now, what would it be like if it is legalized? And again, this is pulling at the sympathy strings of our hearts.

Perhaps he can quote what percentage of Canadian teens are in the big house for simple possession right now.

Stephen Harper’s ‘Get Tough on Crime Bill’ is about getting the producer and distributor.

Is McLaughlin having trouble comprehending that?

I notice that McLaughlin never disputed any of the points I made against the legalization.

Why is that?

Is it because he agrees with me but doesn’t want to admit that . . . but wants it legalized anyway?

I thought he would at least state that he would put his young relatives up for experimentation to see whether or not a year of solid use of marijuana would have any affect on them. I mentioned I would reconsider my position if they came out with no ill effects.

So simple, given 77 per cent of the general public think the way he does — or do they?

Please try again because I am really curious who your next reliable source will be.

Perhaps Rush Limbaugh?

Barry Riege

Red Deer