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Strong value system is key

Where are our values?

Where are our values?

Many news items I read leave me with the question: “What were these people thinking when they spoke or acted in that objectionable manner?” It is clear that significant values are mislaid or gone askew in the upbringing and the consciousness in the conduct of many.

How does a person decide what is worth pursuing in their life? We are unable to answer this question unless we know what values are. These virtues are the essence of what we think are most important in the way we live and work.

These values should define our priorities, and way down, they are probably the measures you enlist to tell us if our life is turning out the way you want it to.

Thus, what is relevant to you depends on your values. These values are the virtues that guide your conduct.

In fact, it is often difficult to understand or accept where a person with very different values to our own is coming from. Problems in communications and conflicts between people occur because differences in values often lead to that. When someone holds values that are different from ours, agreeing to disagree can save us a lot of irritation and prevents many arguments.

Values are spiritual and strongly held beliefs and principals about what is right or wrong, good or bad, important and unimportant, what should and shouldn’t be.

A real value system develops strong character. At times, we discover someone who exhibits beauty inside and outwardly. However, the real beauty is the role we hold within ourselves. Outward beauty is reliant merely upon the generosity of our parents.

When the life we live, the things that we do and our behaviour match these values, life is usually good, and you are satisfied and content. However, when this does not side with our principles, that is when things do not feel right. A life in contravention to our values can become a bona fide basis of discontent.

What is it, in the works; the rock/paper/scissors focus on our values and in developing a person’s inner strength, with time to think; the opportunity for continued learning and development is within us all?

Every one of us, including me, must make certain that we can find a path that ensures we follow a healthy value system. All this is so refreshing and intoxicating and so different, this and all the other very worthy personal developments establish that our great life starts here!

We still do have time to think about what we are doing.

Jesse J. Mlynarski

Red Deer