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There is still a place for God

Several days ago an acquaintance sent me an email with the following heading: Yesterday mornings CBC surprise poll results.The CBC polled viewers and listeners and asked Canadians: “Do you believe that the word ‘God’ should stay in the iconic national anthem ... as part of Canadian culture?”

Several days ago an acquaintance sent me an email with the following heading: Yesterday mornings CBC surprise poll results.

The CBC polled viewers and listeners and asked Canadians: “Do you believe that the word ‘God’ should stay in the iconic national anthem ... as part of Canadian culture?”

CBC received the highest number of responses that they have ever had for one of their polls. The percentage to keep ‘God’ in the national anthem was 86 per cent and 14 cent voted against. The poll numbers show a healthy percentage of Canadians still believe in God, and logically every reasoned Canadian should want, and ask God’s blessing, to keep our land glorious and free.

Evidently there are some who question if there is a God.

The question of the reality of God was asked 300 years ago by King Louis of France. The king asked Blaise Pascal, the great Christian philosopher, to give proof of God. Pascal answered “Why the Jews your majesty, the Jews.”

Pascal was a learned man, had deep Bible knowledge and knew about the God of the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The philosopher was well versed with the Bible, and knew of the fulfilled prophecies foretold by the prophets Isaiah and Micah, that a lovely Jewish teenager, a Virgin, would be favoured and give birth in Bethlehem to the long-awaited Christ child, and that His name would be Yeshua (Jesus) Saviour, Emmanuel (God with us).

These prophecies were given Circa 750 BC by Isaiah the Jewish prophet.

Some 250 years later in 500 BC, the prophet Micah foretold the saviour would be born in Bethlehem, and here we are a good 2,000 years later we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

As many of you know the Bible is filled with prophecies, and we witness prophecy fulfilment right before our eyes.

To give proof of God, do as philosopher Pascal suggested to King Louis XIV.

Watch the Jewish people, focus on Israel. With United Nations approval, Israel became a democratic state on May 14, 1948. The land bequeathed to the Jews was a waste land and mostly swamp land, but today the land blossoms like a rose. The Israeli economy is second to none, and 160,000 Arabs choose to become Israeli citizens.

Most amazing and as the Bible foretold, God would bring the Jews back to the land He gave them, from the four corners of the world. This is happening right now!

It’s all in God’s amazing book the Bible, and every prophecy about the land of Israel and its people is sure to come true.

For those of you who question the Bible, let me tell you it is not some antique book. It is current and up to date. The Bible is really a small library, containing 66 books. It informs about the distant past, the present and the future.

Make a 2015 New Year resolution: become Bible knowledgeable, get on the right side of God. Focus on Jesus the Saviour, attend church this Christmas and worship the coming King.

We are living in chaotic times, but this Jewish Messiah wants to be your Messiah and all who in faith embrace Him, He’ll give assurance and peace that passes all understanding.

Wishing you a blessed Christmas and great new year.

Peter C. Hansum

Red Deer