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Why bench a winning team?

I have lived in Alberta all of my life and have seen many elections but this election is the strangest I have seen with two political parties claiming they are running on the same track.

I have lived in Alberta all of my life and have seen many elections but this election is the strangest I have seen with two political parties claiming they are running on the same track.

While I am not a member of any political party what is scary to me is that the corporate media seems to have jumped on the Wildrose wagon, which could lead to mob mentality.

A sports analogy, if Team Alberta is one of 10 hockey teams in the Canadian Hockey League, and Coach Redford says that Team Alberta leads the league in all categories, as owners why would we fire the coach and all the players just because they have been winning for 40 years?

Now I do not know if what Coach Redford says is true, but I am sure, if it was not true, one of the want-to-be coaches or players would let us know.

Many of the want-to-be players and coaches have never played in the big league. Some have never played in any league and some cannot even skate.

As Albertans, and owner of this hockey team, we want to send the very best players we have to choose from to play for Team Alberta. While players on any good hockey team need other players to push them to make sure they are doing their very best, a team full of inexperienced players and coaches would be a disaster. We need to think before we vote.

S.W. (Sid) Morris
