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Why trust evolutionists? Their theory can’t be proven

On March 4, Greg Neiman proclaimed in his column that any Canadian elected official who believes in special creation should be disqualified “from ever holding decision-making power in education, health care or the environment.”

On March 4, Greg Neiman proclaimed in his column that any Canadian elected official who believes in special creation should be disqualified “from ever holding decision-making power in education, health care or the environment.”

Elsewhere in the column, Neiman generously allows that “holding lake of fire” (non-mainstream?) views in any direction does not disqualify you to run for office.”

However, since “Canada does hew to the centre,” Neiman admires politicians such as Pierre Trudeau, Naheed Nenshi, and even Stephen Harper, who can ignore their personal religious views as they pander to the public. Personal-political schizophrenia is desirable, says he. Majority rules.

However, those who acknowledge that they don’t share the views of the majority on, say, evolution, such as B.C. MP James Lunney, are hopelessly unreasonable people akin to those who deny the law of gravity. You can’t argue with them, says the writer. Just restrict them.

Well, you can’t argue with the evolutionists either. Even though they cannot provide scientific evidence for some key pieces of the evolutionary puzzle, such as the process for the development of living organisms from inanimate matter, and the mechanism for the evolution of one species from another, they proclaim loudly that their unproven paradigm is “scientific.”

Never mind that science is knowledge based on observation and that no one has ever demonstrated, let alone observed, how life came from non-life. Never mind that fossils of the trillions of transitional forms Darwin required to validate his theory of macroevolution have not been found. Never mind that the advantageous mutations required for this discredited theory do not exist. Never mind that the mathematical odds against evolution are greater than the odds required for a jumbo jet to assemble itself from parts in a junkyard.

Don’t worry, though, add the evolutionists. Evolution happened, and if we don’t have the evidence yet, it’s out there somewhere, and we’ll provide it someday.

Meanwhile, just trust us. Any day now we should be able to validate all that circumstantial “evidence” we’ve been assembling. Remember that we represent the scientific majority. Have faith in us.

It’s clear that evolutionists should never be allowed to hold decision-making power in education, health care or the environment, either. Why should they, since like the fabled emperor, they’re not wearing any clothes? But they will, because they’re the majority.

In pluralistic Canada, is anyone really qualified to manage those sensitive portfolios?

Jacob M. Van Vliet

Red Deer County