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Your bowel condition could be killing you

“All diseases begin in the gut.”— Hippocrates When does the future become now?

“All diseases begin in the gut.”

— Hippocrates

When does the future become now?

I ask you this because every day I am in complete and utter observance of my life and those around me.

I believe in a world where we choose to indulge in satisfying, whole natural foods that tantalize our taste buds and contribute to our health as well. I believe in guilt-free eating, which means acceptance of our imperfections.

But what I continue to see is a lack of inspiration as a whole to do better for our bodies, minds and spirits and it’s slowly killing us.

Digestive cancer kills more Canadians than any other type of cancer. More than 20 million Canadians suffer from digestive disorders. We have to make some shifts.

Our society continues to suffer from headaches, aches and pains, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, stress/anxiety, heart disease, allergic disorders, IBD and even cancers … all of which have a contributing factor of the health of our gut.

Looking at stories, like those of Dr. Bernard Jensen, who asserts the reversal of his own cancer to not only dietary shifts, but through the detoxification of the colon and the removal of devitalized, processed and chemically-laden foods.

So, best things for gut health?

Include fibre, hydration, probiotics, enzymes and healthy fats. Avoid foods that lead to bloating like wheat products, fried fats and artificial sweeteners, to start.

Be sure to incorporate movement into your daily activity (particularly yoga), and implement detoxification of the bowels through a regimented bowel cleanse (for more support on how to do this go to

Cultures that consume upwards of 30 grams of fibre a day have lower incidences of most of these ailments, including the typical chronic symptoms that many North Americans experience on a daily basis.

Start by committing to a week of friendly gut support. Four tbsps of chia seeds daily, a cup of quinoa daily, a cup of black beans daily and an apple a day. Finish your day with a cup of hot water with fresh sliced ginger root to aid in digestion. See how you feel.

Enjoy the process of learning to prepare new foods. Search some new recipes, give new things a try and focus on the health of your gut. It could just save your life.

Kristin Fraser, BSc, is a holistic nutritionist and local freelance writer. Her column appears every second Thursday. She can be reached at