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Predictions on fishing season up in the air

Other obligations prevented my attendance out West for the opening day of trout season, so out Beau and I went the next day.

Orchids not difficult to grow

Orchids have the reputation of being a hard-to-grow-plant, one that only the greenest of thumbs should attempt. This is not true. It depends on the type of orchid as to how it survives in an average house.

Marrriage shouldn't begin with secrets

I have a wonderful boyfriend I’ll call “Ray.” We have a lot in common and are very happy together. Though we have not committed to anything permanent, we both want marriage and have discussed it.

Boost your immunity

If you have found yourself to be getting sick often this winter, here are some natural solutions for keeping a strong immunity. There are lots of nasty ‘bugs’ still floating around. As the snow melts, then arrives the airborne molds.

Empathy training begins young

Many parents have questions about instilling an attitude of caring in their children.When so much of a parent’s time revolves around caring for the needs of a child and making sure the child is happy, some children start to develop the attitude: “it’s all about me.”

Sex abuse continues through generations

My grandfather molested me when I was a child, and I have been in therapy much of my adult life as a result. My entire family has a history of sexual abuse and incest, passed along from father to son.

Strategies for generating business prospects

My last column introduced the Five Ways formula, five key, profit-generating areas that drive every business: lead generation, conversion rate, average dollar sale, average number of transactions and profit margins.

Poking around in a high-tech world

This year marks 10 years since I first dabbled in the Internet world.

Lap dancing ruins marriage

Dear Annie: I recently learned that during my entire marriage my husband has visited strip clubs, touched other women and had lap dances.

Energy urgency pits tree-huggers against smokestack pluggers

If we want to put the brakes on global warming and reduce our reliance on nonrenewable fossil fuels, we must look to renewable energy such as solar, wind, hydro, and sustainable bioenergy.