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Dyer: The Maniac in Pyongyang

Dyer: The Maniac in Pyongyang

“This guy, he’s like a maniac, OK? He wiped out the uncle. He wiped out this one, that one. I mean, this guy doesn’t play games. And we can’t play games with him. Because he really does have missiles. And he really does have nukes.”
Trudeau’s Trump meeting may not be a Canadian disaster

Trudeau’s Trump meeting may not be a Canadian disaster

Trudeau’s Trump meeting may not be Canadian disaster
Wells: Liberals shore up their left flank

Wells: Liberals shore up their left flank

In the eternal balancing act of Canadian Liberalism, it’s a week for tilting left. One after another, cabinet ministers are lining up to resuscitate programs that please the Liberal base and that the Harper Conservatives fought tooth and nail.
Naming homicide victims

Naming homicide victims

Five years ago Talia Meguinis was brutally murdered and stuffed in a recycling dumpster in Red Deer.
Neiman: Reform is impossible in system at war with itself

Neiman: Reform is impossible in system at war with itself

It is unfortunate that the federal Liberals have broken their promise to change the way we would have elected our next government. Even though few Canadians seem to care that our current system of voting does not produce particularly representative governments, they do seem to care when signature campaign promises are broken.
Dyer: The crowd and the law

Dyer: The crowd and the law

In Romania, after five straight nights of mass demonstration in Bucharest’s main square, the government agreed to withdraw an emergency decree that decriminalized various abuses of political power (on the grounds that the jails were too crowded). If you defrauded the state of less than $47,500, under the new rules, you might have to pay it back, but you wouldn’t go to jail.
Hébert: Uncommonly busy political pre-season

Hébert: Uncommonly busy political pre-season

Uncommonly busy political pre-season
Wells: Politicians guiding journalism? No, thanks

Wells: Politicians guiding journalism? No, thanks

Here’s what happened to newspapers.
Hébert: PM should play his trump card

Hébert: PM should play his trump card

It is not to diminish the economic importance of the trade arrangements between Canada and the United States to note that more than the bilateral relationship between the countries will be at stake when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau holds his first face-to-face meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump.
Dyer: Making China great again

Dyer: Making China great again

Passing the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) is as important to me as another aircraft carrier,” said former U.S. defence secretary Ashton Carter two years ago, as the negotiations on the huge new free trade organization were nearing completion.