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May long weekend impaired drivers nabbed

173 impaired drivers caught at 36 traffic stops
Alberta RCMP pulled 173 impaired drivers off the road during the May long weekend. (Black Press Media file photo)

Alberta RCMP pulled 173 impaired drivers off the road during a May long weekend crackdown.

Police set up 36 traffic stops from May 17-20 in the annual blitz targeting drug- and alcohol-impaired drivers. Of the 173 impaired drivers nabbed, 42 were caught on May 18, which is National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day.

“While we promote safe driving behaviours all year round, we want to enhance this messaging and our enforcement efforts during holidays or long weekends when more people are out on our roadways,” says Alberta RCMP Traffic Sgt. Vinnie Hetu.

“Impaired driving is a danger to yourself and others. Always plan a safe, sober ride accordingly.”

The consequences for impaired driving include a 90-day suspension, one year of mandatory ignition interlock, a 30-day vehicle seizure, a $1,000 fine, and a criminal record.