Ponoka’s Community Wellness Fair boasts 20 booths offering information, services and programs to nurture physical and mental health.
The second annual event, held on Wednesday from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Ponoka Kinsmen Community Centre (5009 46th St.), will have exhibitors ranging from Alberta Health Services Nutrition Services and Addictions and Mental Health, Ponoka Big Brother and Big Sisters, Wolf Creek Primary Care Network and more.
The event also features three speakers with Lesley Pohl, Helo Health Products, talking at 4 p.m.; Pekka Maattanen, Burman University Protein Overload — nutrition, talking at 5 p.m.; and Merv Leibel, an AHS dietician, talking about the Canada Food Guide at 6 p.m.
As well, the Town of Ponoka will have a booth displaying preliminary drawings of its new recreation multiplex, also knows as the Community Wellness Centre, planned for the existing arena site.
For more information visit www.ponoka.ca.