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Central Alberta LGBTQ2S+ groups unite against UCP

Red Deer Queer Community Association organizes pride events
The Red Deer Queer Community Association hosted its second Pride in the Park event at Rotary Park in Red Deer in June 2023. (File photo by Advocate staff)

Four LGBTQ2S+ organizations in Central Alberta will not allow the United Conservative Party to participate in their pride events.

Red Deer Queer Community Association, Central Alberta Pride Society, Lacombe Pride and HOME (Hope Opportunity Mobilization Education Society) have joined 10 other groups in Alberta to ban the UCP at upcoming celebrations to stand up against the government's proposed policies that include restrictions at school, on hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery, and participation in sport.

The policies are expected to be tabled in the legislature in the fall.

Stephanie Hodgkins, vice-chair of Red Deer Queer Community Association, said the LGBTQ2S+ community is being targeted to placate UCP supporters, but groups have been working together across Alberta, and nationally, to challenge the policies ever since Premier Danielle Smith announced them in February. 

"Our rights are human rights, and it's not up for debate. We're here for every member of our community to provide equal rights," said Hodgkins whose association will host pride events this summer.

She was not sure if UCP MLAs have attended previous events, but they're definitely not welcome now unless they oppose the policies. 

The 14 LQBTQ2S+ groups say the ban is in direct response to Smith’s intention to infringe upon the rights and healthcare of Alberta's transgender community. The policies contradict established medical practices governing transgender healthcare and represent a clear threat to the safety and well-being of the gender and sexually diverse community. Given that no UCP MLAs have expressed their disagreement with the policies, the ban was extended to the entire UCP caucus.

Hodgkins said the community will continue to stand up against the policies and will support its young people who will be the hardest hit when they go back to school in September.

"We are still very much readying ourselves for the challenges that will come in the fall, whatever form it's going to take."

Other organizations supporting the ban against the UCP include Calgary Pride, Pride Corner (Edmonton), Lethbridge Pride, Canmore Pride, Banff Pride, Jasper Pride, Fort Sask Pride, Okotoks Pride, Foothills Rainbow Connect, and Queer Alberta Safety Net.

Susan Zielinski

About the Author: Susan Zielinski

Susan has been with the Red Deer Advocate since 2001. Her reporting has focused on education, social and health issues.
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