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Central Albertans appointed to skilled trades youth council

Red Deer Polytechnic and Olds College nominate students
240510 Advanced Education Minister Rajan Sawhney
Advanced Education Minister Rajan Sawhney says she looks forward to collaborating with the Advisory Council of Skilled Trades Youth Ambassadors. (File photo by Advocate staff)

Students from Red Deer Polytechnic and Olds College were appointed to a committee to educate the provincial government on issues, challenges and opportunities affecting skilled trades. 

Welder Ben Rainforth, nominated by RDP, and landscape horticulturalist Ty Penner and heavy equipment technician Andrew Shields both nominated by Olds College, have joined nine other student ambassadors for six-month terms on the Advisory Council of Skilled Trades Youth Ambassadors. 

Rainforth represents Lacombe on the council, Shields represents Didsbury, and Penner represents the Calgary region.

“Having youth involved in a conversation with our ministries to provide feedback about the apprenticeship system in Alberta and about their own personal journeys is absolutely vital to making the provincial apprenticeship system even better than it is today," said Dennis Beaudoin, Dean of School of Trades and Skills at Olds College, in a statement. 

"Our youth are the up-and-coming skilled trades workforce, and their voices should be heard and valued.”

The province said Alberta needs more skilled trades workers to build housing, expand infrastructure and address workforce shortages. Over the past two years, apprenticeship registration has been rising sharply, and hearing from young adults in the skilled trades will support efforts underway to encourage more students to enter high-demand programs.

“Alberta’s young adults have so much to offer our growing province. The advice of young apprentices and journeypersons will give us valuable insight as we look for more ways to grow and promote the skilled trades. I look forward to this exciting opportunity to collaborate with a strong group of ambassadors," said Advanced Education Minister Rajan Sawhney.

Patricia Nelson, secretary at Skills Canada Alberta and technical training manager at Finning Canada, said Skills Canada Alberta is proud to have members of its exceptional alumni serving on the council. 

"As champions and leaders among their peers, they will be able to offer unique insights, raise the parity of esteem, and inspire Alberta’s future workforce to pursue rewarding careers in the trades," Nelson said. 

Alberta delivers 47 apprenticeship education programs in the skilled trades.

Susan Zielinski

About the Author: Susan Zielinski

Susan has been with the Red Deer Advocate since 2001. Her reporting has focused on education, social and health issues.
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