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National News

Harper cabinet unleashes patronage

Weeks before Stephen Harper named some of his closest Tory friends to the Senate, his cabinet quietly approved a flood of appointments to federal boards that also rewarded party faithful.
RCMP finish search for Nicole Hoar on B.C. property

RCMP finish search for Nicole Hoar on B.C. property

PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. — The RCMP have finished their search of two sites in northern British Columbia for the remains of 25-year-old tree-planter Nicole Hoar — but they wouldn’t say what, if anything, they had found.

Liberals agonizing — yet again — about forcing an election

OTTAWA — Michael Ignatieff seems destined to emerge from a Liberal caucus retreat this week feeling something like a pushmi-pullyu.

Harper cabinet unleashes flood of patronage

OTTAWA — Weeks before Stephen Harper named some of his closest Tory friends to the Senate, his cabinet quietly approved a flood of appointments to federal boards that also rewarded party faithful.

Two ex-military members charged with cocaine trafficking

Two former members of the Canadian Forces were charged with cocaine trafficking following separate, wide-ranging investigations by military police.
RCMP searching B.C. property for remains that may be missing Red Deer woman

RCMP searching B.C. property for remains that may be missing Red Deer woman

Police are playing down speculation their search of a rural Prince George acreage is connected with the so-called Highway of Tears murders in northern B.C.

Conditional discharge for N.B. man who threatened teacher over anthem flap

A New Brunswick man was given a conditional discharge and eight months of probation Friday for threatening to assault an elementary school teacher who stopped the daily playing of the Canadian national anthem.

Investigation underway after shooting on main NATO base in Kandahar

A Canadian soldier has suffered a non-combat related gunshot wound on the main NATO base in Kandahar city.

Passport woes strand another Canadian; woman stuck in Scotland

LONDON, Ont. — A woman who should have celebrated her 24th birthday on Thursday with family in this southwestern Ontario city is instead stuck in Scotland, the latest Canadian stranded in a foreign country and getting little help from Canadian staff abroad.
Mounties search BC property as part of “historical homicide” investigation

Mounties search BC property as part of “historical homicide” investigation

PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. — Mounties in British Columbia are remaining tight-lipped as they search a property near Prince George as part of what they call one of their “historical homicide” investigations.