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National News

Soldiers in a festive mood

Soldiers in a festive mood

Even though Canada Day meant more missions to hunt for insurgents and roadside bombs along with an ambush for the commander of the forces in southern Afghanistan, Canadian soldiers still found peaceful ways to mark the country’s special day.

Garbage stinks as Toronto strike continues

Family parks have become makeshift dumping grounds, irate residents are facing off against each other and tourists are thinking twice about the pristine place called Toronto as the most populous city in Canada enters into its second week of a stinky summertime strike.

High court clarifies rights of minors to make medical decisions

A young Jehovah’s Witness who challenged a Manitoba law that forced a blood transfusion on her won a partial victory and hundreds of thousands of dollars in court costs at the Supreme Court of Canada on Friday.

Veiled voting OK

The federal government has quietly dropped the idea of forcing veiled women to show their faces if they want to vote in Canadian elections.
B.C. Appeal Court denies appeal for convicted serial killer Robert Pickton

B.C. Appeal Court denies appeal for convicted serial killer Robert Pickton

The B.C. Court of Appeal has rejected serial killer Robert Pickton’s appeal of six second-degree murder convictions.
Soldier playing a game when shot from pistol kills comrade, court martial told

Soldier playing a game when shot from pistol kills comrade, court martial told

A Canadian soldier charged with fatally shooting a fellow reservist in Afghanistan was playing a game with a loaded weapon when the firearm went off and killed his comrade, the lead prosecutor in a court martial told a military panel Thursday.
Artist unveils portraits of city’s missing women

Artist unveils portraits of city’s missing women

A Vancouver artist has unveiled the first in a series of portraits chronicling the city’s missing women, a “violent” depiction complete with bloody slashes along the female subject’s face.

Chiefs want apology for sanitizer slight

WINNIPEG — Canada’s health minister must apologize on behalf of Health Canada for withholding hand sanitizers from flu-stricken reserves because they contained alcohol, one of Manitoba grand chiefs said Tuesday.

Feds appeal Khadr order

OTTAWA — The courts should not force Canada to ask the United States to return Omar Khadr from Guantanamo Bay, federal lawyers argued Tuesday.
Harper, Chinese foreign minister share warm moment

Harper, Chinese foreign minister share warm moment

OTTAWA — If there was a chill in relations between the Conservative government and Beijing before, you’d never know it by the blast of warmth that filled the room as Prime Minister Stephen Harper met Tuesday with the Chinese foreign minister.