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Red Deer RCMP promote anti-theft screws to protect licence plates

Free anti-theft screws available to residents
Last weekend Red Deer RCMP officers installed about 225 anti-theft screws on residents’ licence plates during the Alberta Motor Association’s fall car care event at Westerner Park. (Contributed)

Red Deer RCMP are helping motorists protect against licence plate thefts by providing them with a free anti-theft screw.

Cpl. Mike Evans said on the weekend officers installed about 225 screws on residents’ licence plates during the Alberta Motor Association’s fall car care event at Westerner Park.

“There is a trend that licence plate thefts are still an issue within the city,” Evans said.

He said RCMP wanted to help reduce thefts by providing the crime prevention device, which some people are already using.

Red Deerians can still arrange for an officer to install a free anti-theft screw by contacting the Red Deer RCMP’s Youth and Community Action Team (formerly the Community Policing Unit) at

“We’ll be more than happy to provide you with the screw if you want to put it on yourself, or if you’re looking for somebody to put that on, we’re more than happy to make arrangements for a time to do that.”

He warned officers will not install an anti-theft screw on top of an illegal licence plate cover that interferes with photo radar. That cover would have to be removed before a screw is attached.


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He said stolen licence plates are typically attached to stolen vehicles. Licence plate theft can happen almost anywhere, and drivers don’t usually walk around their vehicles to see if their plate is missing before getting behind the wheel.

“How often do we do that as drivers?”

A special tool, that is not readily available, is needed to remove an anti-theft screw. Evans said RCMP will be reaching out to places like dealerships to provide the tool free of charge.


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If they prefer, people can also buy their own anti-theft screws, which are used by industries.

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Susan Zielinski

About the Author: Susan Zielinski

Susan has been with the Red Deer Advocate since 2001. Her reporting has focused on education, social and health issues.
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