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Red Deer bombmaker faces sentencing next month

A Red Deer man charged with making explosives for an unlawful purpose will be sentenced in late December.
Alberta health official fired over Calgary Flames getting special flu vaccine

Alberta health official fired over Calgary Flames getting special flu vaccine

Alberta Health Services says it has fired a senior staff member over the Calgary Flames swine flu vaccine controversy.

Murder suspect to go on trial in September

A man charged with murder will have to wait in jail until next fall to have a trial.Ten days were booked this week in Red Deer Court of Queen’s for the trial beginning on Sept. 13, 2010, for Larry Allen Scott, 54, of Red Deer.

Switchboard - November 4

Meet the artist reception for “Anonymous” Smith will be held at the Red Deer College Library in Nov. 6 from 4 to 6 p.m. Meet the artist behind the RDC Library’s latest exhibition Be — TheCracks —tween.
At-risk babies coming to Red Deer

At-risk babies coming to Red Deer

More premature babies are being transferred to the special care nursery at Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre.
Lake landing for Canada Geese

Lake landing for Canada Geese

Canada geese come in for a landing to join hundreds of their kind already feeding and floating on a thawing wetland west of the Burnt Lake Business Park recently. The V-shaped formations filled with honking birds are a fall staple as the breed migrates to wintering grounds in the southern United States and even northeastern Mexico.

Fundraising campaign under way early

Shovels are not in the ground, but fundraising has already begun for the Ronald McDonald House in Red Deer.
Those who have been there understand

Those who have been there understand

People may think they understand the heartache and fear that grips a family with a critically-ill child.

Putting lessons learned to use

Red Deer’s Ronald McDonald House will be the first built in a new Canadian community in more than 20 years.And it may be the most innovative yet.
Advocate proud to support Ronald McDonald House (photo gallery)

Advocate proud to support Ronald McDonald House (photo gallery)

The Red Deer Advocate is ready to help raise the house — the Ronald McDonald House that is.