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Home Front - December 23

Home Front - December 23

Innisfail Junior Senior High School has been given $5,000 award for its recycling program by executive members of the Alberta Beverage Container Recycling Corporation.
County buys a bridge for a buck

County buys a bridge for a buck

An enormous relic from what used to be the Alberta Central Railway is set to get a new owner.
Gasoline Alley bus service feels like luxury to some

Gasoline Alley bus service feels like luxury to some

Jerry Goertzen spends far less time travelling to work in Gasoline Alley thanks to new transit service.

Switchboard - December 22

Be inspired by music of Advent and Christmas at Gaetz Memorial United Church with the Golden Gaetz Ringers hand bell ensemble at Christmas Eve Family Service on Dec. 24, 7 p.m. To find out more, 403-347-2244.

Cattle hauler crash on Hwy 2 kills 15 animals

A cattle transport liner overturned beside Hwy 2, narrowing southbound traffic to one lane for five hours Monday evening.
Home Front - December 22

Home Front - December 22

Order your tickets before Christmas to save $25 per couple at the Hilltop Pharmacy Mardi Gras Gala, featuring a feast of southern cuisine and entertainment by musician Ian Stewart.

Charities on the rebound

A last-minute burst of good will has given a big boost to groups that make their major fundraising drives during the holiday season.

Medicinal pot crusader spared

A Manitoba judge has given a break to a medical marijuana crusader found guilty of trafficking pot to numerous clients across Canada.

Switchboard - December 21

Senior Citizens Downtown House closed on Dec. 22. Phone 403-346-4043.
Home Front - December 21

Home Front - December 21

Taking a breathlyzer and sleeping in a cell is no way to celebrate the holidays. Traffic police throughout the province are tightening the net on impaired drivers through an enhanced Check Stop program.