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Home Front - December 22

Home Front - December 22

Order your tickets before Christmas to save $25 per couple at the Hilltop Pharmacy Mardi Gras Gala, featuring a feast of southern cuisine and entertainment by musician Ian Stewart.

Charities on the rebound

A last-minute burst of good will has given a big boost to groups that make their major fundraising drives during the holiday season.

Medicinal pot crusader spared

A Manitoba judge has given a break to a medical marijuana crusader found guilty of trafficking pot to numerous clients across Canada.

Switchboard - December 21

Senior Citizens Downtown House closed on Dec. 22. Phone 403-346-4043.
Home Front - December 21

Home Front - December 21

Taking a breathlyzer and sleeping in a cell is no way to celebrate the holidays. Traffic police throughout the province are tightening the net on impaired drivers through an enhanced Check Stop program.
Immigrants to Red Deer face adjustment to climate

Immigrants to Red Deer face adjustment to climate

For anyone who has grown up in Canada walking on ice is second nature. It entails shuffling rather than strutting and keeping both feet close to the ground.
Food Bank Brigade

Food Bank Brigade

Carlos Casado takes another box of peanut butter from Santa as firemedics form a bucket brigade to load a truck outside the Parkland Mall Safeway Thursday.
Ice sculpture fund-raising event benefits Women’s Outreach Society

Ice sculpture fund-raising event benefits Women’s Outreach Society

Large chunks of ice, a storey in height, were transformed into a stylized eagle, a polar bear, a buffalo and other images in a unique fundraiser held in Red Deer this past weekend.
Lindhout continuing her recovery

Lindhout continuing her recovery

Freelance journalist Amanda Lindhout continues to recover after a 15-month ordeal in Somalia, where she was kidnapped, tortured and kept alone in a dark room.
All dressed up

All dressed up

Jordan Buba of Lewis Farms from Spruce Grove dries a newly washed cow during preparations for the Checkers Cattle Sale in Westerner Park’s Agricentre. The 15th annual sale featured 60 lots of black and red Simmentals vying for show honours before today’s sale.