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Weddings can be weird and wonderful

Wedding season is in full swing.I have been to all kinds of weddings over the years and my favourite is always the most recent.

Enjoy your summer garden

Summer has finally arrived. Take time to sit back and enjoy your garden.
You never know when you’ll get lucky fishing

You never know when you’ll get lucky fishing

Like everything else this so-called spring-summer, even the June monsoon was four to six weeks late. But it was not as severe or prolonged as in the past few years so, when it ended, I headed west with some fishing hopes.

Free software puts pressure on Microsoft

Microsoft is poised to release the latest version of Microsoft Office, the wildly successful (and profitable) office software that runs on many corporate and home computers today.

Boyfriend is a bully and a loser, so lose him

My boyfriend constantly stares at other women and makes salacious comments about them under his breath, as if I weren’t there.

Ancient ginko a real survivor

Last week I found myself exploring streets graced with gingko trees (Gingko biloba). Their fan-shaped leaves rustled in a welcome breeze that for a moment offered respite from thick humidity of New York City.

After all I’ve done for her, my mother changed the will

My father was sick for several years before he died. Dad told me that he and my mother were leaving their entire estate to me, their only child. He even showed me their wills.

Power comes when we admit we are powerless

There is an interesting line in the preamble to the movie of J.R.R. Tolkien’s book, The Lord of the Rings.

Are your vegetables green enough?

Any parent knows that it can be a challenge to get kids to eat vegetables and some fruits. We’ve learned all the tricks: smothering broccoli with cheese sauce, putting peanut butter and raisins on celery sticks and calling it “ants on a log”, convincing kids that eating spinach will give them Popeye muscles.

Dad, daughter are too physical

Dear Annie: I have been married to “Vic” for 22 years. Our marriage is solid. We have an 18-year-old daughter, “Kara,” who is totally in love with her father. Vic is, in turn, greatly attached to her