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To tip or not, that is the question

I have a disagreement with my girlfriend. She tips everyone. At her salon, she tips the shampoo girl, manicurist, stylist, masseuse, facialist and sometimes the girl who brings her a beverage.

Kids need time to play — with you

“There’s nothing to do!”As a parent who has heard that complaint, I would sometimes recite a list of all the toys and games that were in the house, wondering how my child could say that there was nothing to do.

Parents need to negotiate extraordinary child support costs

The inception of the Federal Child Support Guidelines in 1997 went a long way towards clarifying the complex issue of child support.

Soldiers at increased risk of suicide

The Army’s recent report of an increase in the suicide rate among soldiers sheds light on an important public health issue.
A top-shelf showcase

A top-shelf showcase

Most of us never complain about having too much of these three things: chocolate, free time and spots in our homes where we can display treasures and store everyday items.

A tribute to my ‘tough guy’ mom

My mother was the toughest guy I ever met.

Stretch your sanding surface for big jobs

If you have a big sanding project, then you need a big sander.

Birdseed equals weeds

Dear Heloise: Is there a way to keep the birdseed in my bird feeders from making a thatch of weeds underneath them when the birds drop some? Perhaps microwaving it? I’m tired of the weeds! — Brea in California

Mom-in-law thinks son’s wife is lazy

Dear Annie: My in-laws always visit on weekends when things are really laid back around the house.

Foreign workers vulnerable

It’s a simple fact of life, one that has held true from the beginnings of human civilization: the bad news always flows downhill, and it’s the people on the bottom who end up mired in it.