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Tax dollars producing little value for Canadians

The beginning of May marks the end of income tax season in Canada.

Gas pains

I took out a small short-term bank loan the other day, broke open my piggy bank, and took in our empty pop bottles to the bottle depot. I had to — my car’s gas gauge was pointing straight to R-E (Really Empty), and that meant a reluctant stop at the local money-siphon known as the gas station.
Examining the finer points of roof repair

Examining the finer points of roof repair

I’m gearing up to reshingle my roof this spring, and there are four specific technical details I’m working into the job.

Respect issues should be first

Should I punish my strong-willed son for every little thing he does wrong? I would be on his back every minute of the day.

My hubby's a mama's boy, and I hate it

I have been married for two years to a “mama’s boy” and I hate it. Every time we have an argument, he calls his mother, asks her to come to our house to help and insists that I talk to her.

Don’t admit to disability during job interview

I am currently interviewing for a position with several different companies in different industries.

The road less travelled can be fascinating

As a loyal and obedient Albertan, I have been mulling over the words of Alberta Tourism Minister Cindy Ady: “We’re hoping people will choose to visit parts of the province they haven’t explored before.”

Nothing is quite as cute as a baby lamb

Winter’s End has arrived and she’s the cutest thing you have ever seen.

Why not grow some vines in your garden this year?

Each garden is unique to the gardener that develops and maintains it.

It’s not a cure, but herbs can ease the response to diabetes

According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, in 2006 there were 1.9 million Canadians diagnosed with diabetes. The number diagnosed rises each year.