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Canada: petro-state or prosperous nation?

Imagine a Canada with an abundance of nature and wildlife, clean air and water, healthy citizens, and a prosperous economy. Sounds close to what we have, doesn’t it?
Why are we all addicted to Tim Hortons coffee?

Why are we all addicted to Tim Hortons coffee?

I don’t know about you, but every time I try to go to a Tim Hortons, I wonder: what are they putting in their coffee?

Mom-in-law creates resentment for wife

My husband and I retired several years ago and built a house in the country. He told me that one day he might have to let his widowed mother live with us.

Adult daughter has terrible temper

My adult daughter’s behavior is causing a great deal of emotional pain in my family.

Discipline helps kids

You have told us what kinds of homes produce children with the greatest intellectual potential.

Husband ‘connecting’ with high school sweeties

My husband is on all of these websites — Classmates, Facebook and Reunion —trying to reconnect with old friends.

On the animals’ farm, it’s old-fashioned politics

B.C. has finished up on a provincial election, while here on the farm the animals have been holding their own springtime bid for leadership in the barnyard.
Even by local standards, this was a strange May Long

Even by local standards, this was a strange May Long

The trouble with the May Long Weekend is that, whenever “they” decree it shall take place, they just have to stuff Victoria Day in there on the Monday.

A good backup will save files, and your sanity

I get a lot of letters about backing up computers and hard drives and the best tools to make this process happen.

It’s seldom easy to really let go

Letting go of something or someone very close to you is a tough thing. We all become accustomed to things being a certain way, and being surrounded by the same people.