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Compost toilets make cottage sense

Compost toilets make cottage sense

When a kitchen fire destroyed the lakeside heirloom cottage of Mike and Alice Ogden back in June 2005, they decided to rebuild in a way that blended appropriately with the lakeside setting of their property, while also allowing the new cottage to become a year-round retirement home.

Spring has ‘sproinged’ and splattered

You can practically hear the sproing, sproing, sproing of spring springing to life all around us as all the pretty flowers poke up their pretty heads in bloom and the meadowlarks sing their happy Spring song and Mr. Sun winks at us from his happy place in the beautiful blue sky.

Understanding mental illnesses

Last fall, we sent our 18-year-old son off to college. He was excited to be living in the dorms, meeting new people and starting new classes. He had dreams and goals. After one month, he had some sort of mental breakdown and was hospitalized for three weeks. He had to drop out of school.

Easter, the best joke of all time

Tomorrow, Christians find themselves perched on the pinnacle of their cyclical Church Year. As author John Irving’s fictional Owen Meany proclaims, “Any fool can feel like a Christian at Christmas. But Easter is the main event.”

Boy nasty to his stepfather

My sister, Shelly, has two kids — a 10-year-old boy from her previous marriage and a two-year-old girl from her current one.

Adolescent looking for a ‘normal’ life

My wife and I are very strict with our 12-year-old son, “Jonathan.” He has normal adolescent issues, but he really is a great kid — well-mannered, hardworking, gets good grades, etc.

A close look at Microsoft’s Internet Explorer

In case you had not noticed, Microsoft unleashed Internet Explorer 8 onto the cyber world this month, which brought with it some good news and bad.

A good Samaritan story

This is a good Samaritan story with a modern twist. What if you help someone who really, really needs it, and what if you don’t know when to stop helping.

Predictions on fishing season up in the air

Other obligations prevented my attendance out West for the opening day of trout season, so out Beau and I went the next day.

Orchids not difficult to grow

Orchids have the reputation of being a hard-to-grow-plant, one that only the greenest of thumbs should attempt. This is not true. It depends on the type of orchid as to how it survives in an average house.