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Life is one big blur since I got new glasses

It feels like you’re either having a 1960s flashback or a serious stroke. But it’s much too difficult to tell when the world is dangerously wacky everywhere you look.

Find time to take care of yourself

In the daily scrum, preventative medical treatments are often relegated to the very back burner.

Violent kids often victims of poverty, abuse

I keep hearing about children and teens being involved in shootings, stabbings and the like.

Daughter hurting over weight disorder

I am a 23-year-old female college student. I gained a lot of weight after my sophomore year, and when I came home one weekend, my mother looked at me and, instead of giving me a hug, said, “Your belly is getting big!” offers wealth of free films, TV

One of the more amazing success stories on the Internet is, a curious website whose business model centres on giving stuff away.

My friend’s wife hates me

I have two friends I will call “Tom” and “Jack.”

Desperately needing Friendly Giant

At our house the month of May is full of bees but not the stinging kind.

It’s time to lay down tough laws governing ATV use

Many of us have spent too much time over the winter pondering what it is that impels many outdoors people into the high back country in one of the more hazardous avalanche seasons we have ever experienced, even as the list of deaths by suffocation grew weekly.

Coping with cold weather when ready to plant

Every year Mother Nature drops snow when it is least expected, late spring or early in fall. The reaction is always the same — surprise and disgust.

Woman questions relationship

I am a confused and stressed-out 28-year-old pregnant woman. I have been with my boyfriend for almost a year.