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Hay’s Daze: Unspoken rules of Christmas creep

Hay’s Daze: Unspoken rules of Christmas creep

We all have them, life’s unspoken rules. Those generally accepted unofficial societal mores that rise to the surface like the apples we used to bob for at Halloween. Things like: plant your garden on the May long weekend. Or, when a busy elevator door opens, always let the people out first before you jam yourself in there. And, if you’re male and you enter a public washroom with many urinals, if possible, always leave a buffer zone of at least one urinal between you and the next urinator.
Park: Central Alberta boasts the best volunteers

Park: Central Alberta boasts the best volunteers

Central Alberta is known for its volunteers. We have a history of hosting world class events such as the World Junior Hockey Tournament, the Briar and Scotties for curling. We are soon host the largest sporting event in Canada – the 2019 Canada Winter Games. Time and time again Central Albertans step up to volunteer.
Mielke: Recalling Halloween from another era a long time ago

Mielke: Recalling Halloween from another era a long time ago

The night is bright and eerie, with starlight and streetlights giving it a glow kind of like a weirdly carved pumpkin.
Extreme Esteem: Thank you

Extreme Esteem: Thank you

“Feeling good about your life, but not expressing a heartfelt thank-you,
Street Tales: A Drive to Remember

Street Tales: A Drive to Remember

My wife and I enjoy driving in the country on pretty fall days, and so on this particular nineteen-degree October Thursday we drove towards Sylvan Lake on Highway 11.
Hay’s Daze: The Halloween kisses won’t last the weekend

Hay’s Daze: The Halloween kisses won’t last the weekend

I remember when some kids used to call out “Halloween Apples!” when they were at the door of a neighbourhood house on Halloween night. I always thought that was kinda lame because who wants apples on Halloween, and besides, everybody knows you yell “Trick or Treat!”.
College Beat: Red Deer College reveals plans for new residence

College Beat: Red Deer College reveals plans for new residence

On Oct. 19, Marlin Schmidt, Minister of Advanced Education came to RDC to make a special construction announcement giving permission to borrow funds to construct a new student Residence.
It’s Poutine Week in Victoria

It’s Poutine Week in Victoria

Every poutine purchased between Oct. 16 and 22 at participating restaurants in Greater Victoria will provide a meal for a child in need
Mielke: Challenges not to be taken lightly

Mielke: Challenges not to be taken lightly

I foolishly took on this six-week challenge offered at the gym, of which I am a regular member, and a less than regular participant.
Hay’s Daze: Your guide to theatre etiquette

Hay’s Daze: Your guide to theatre etiquette

Pretty well everyone has been to, or been forced into a theatre at one time or another. And often times there is some dork in that theatre that does something highly annoying, interruptive and distracting. And often times, that dork is Yours Truly.