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The Archie Andrews saga

Archie Andrews is a mystery for the ages.

Wood and nails remind me of bygone days

There I was sitting in a large room with hundreds of people, when I saw her come around the corner in that exquisite dress. The most beautiful girl in the place. And all I could think of was wood and nails.

Attracted to teen daughter

My wife and I are both executives in our late 40s who lead busy lives.

Teen girl ignored by one ‘best’ friend

I am 15 years old and in the 10th grade. I have two best friends. One of them, Alyssa, is a gorgeous and nice girl with few flaws. She’s the one the guys always fall for.
Bugged by the late hatch

Bugged by the late hatch

After the Victoria Day blizzard, suddenly it’s summer and anglers are angry that their season is not immediately back on schedule.

Waging a war on weeds

The trees are leafing out, flowers are blooming and the weeds are thriving.

When size 12 was sexy

I think TV viewers are getting sick of all the skinny pretty people.

There’s something queer in the house

Here is a rambling mystery set in England just after the First World War. The action all takes place on the estate of Colonel and Mrs Ayres; vast acres known as “Hundreds.”

Farming together takes a toll on marriage

I have been married to “Tom,” a successful farmer, for seven years. We both have children from previous marriages, three of whom work here, and my youngest son lives at home.

An eye-popping bunch of email addresses

Dear Margo: Recently I received an email from an author inviting me to a reading. I was delighted