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A bold, brave story about seeking help for an autistic boy

This is a true story of a small boy named Rowan, the fulfillment of his parents dreams and plans.

Things to keep in mind since spring is late this year

Spring is late. There is still snow on the ground in shady protective areas.
Society is becoming all thumbs

Society is becoming all thumbs

Way back when, before such modern inventions as cellphones, DVDs and Britney Spears — long before teenagers learned to write with their thumbs, back when “digital” had something to do with a prostate exam, the word “texting”,

Bouncing back after adversity is a skill you can build

Everyone has experienced life’s ups and downs. Things don’t always go their way or as planned. Have you ever wondered why some people have trouble moving forward after experiencing a difficult situation while other people are able to overcome their troubles and carry on?

Mom in abusive relationship

I am a teenager, but in a few years, I will be away at college. I am concerned, however, because Mom has a boyfriend with a major anger problem, and he throws tantrums and gets abusive.

Tax savings from private health plan

A private corporation and its shareholder–employee (business owner) may wish to consider using a “private health services plan” (PHSP), as defined in the Canadian Income Tax Act, as part of a tax-effective remuneration strategy for the corporation’s employees, including the business owner.

It’s no big sacrifice to protect the environment

I recently read an article about a woman in Spokane, Washington, who doesn’t like phosphate-free dishwashing detergents.

Mental evaluation can mean life, death

Like Total Loss’s son, I, too, was in the upper four percent of my high-school class and had a great scholarship.

Building a recession-proof portfolio

AA.No, it’s not Alcoholics Anonymous, although investors could be forgiven for taking a nip or two during the market meltdown to dull the pain when they opened up their portfolio statements.

Why does the sun make us sneeze?

“Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy,” the late John Denver sang. “Sunlight in my eyes can make me cry.”